Články v rubrice ‘ Paranews ’
Tak už to čekání necháme být a úpravy budou probíhat za běhu této stránky 🙂 Vítejte tedy na první české stránce pro fanoušky kapely Paramore 🙂 Stránku samozřejmě věnujeme i našim slovenským sousedům, s nimiž oddanost kapele sdílíme :))) Zatím to tu budeme upravovat, takže mějte pochopení, že je stránka ještě v rekonstrukci a […]
Wholesaling antics are 'good thing'
Wholesaling antics are 'good thing'
Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred addressed the unwritten rules issue that captivated spring training after Hall of Famer Goose Gossage railed resistant to the bat flipping, Genuflecting generation that's running over the league.
"I think it's great, Manfred told elements of the media at MLB's Park Avenue office. "To the extent are actually trying to market to a younger audience, Our younger players taking control of the def
Red Sox rout Twins obtaining a 7
Red Sox rout Twins obtaining a 7
Ft MYERS, Fla. Mike Napoli started a seven run fourth inning with a broken bat homer and Justin Masterson allowed one run in 52/3 innings as the Boston Red Sox rolled to a 14 2 victory over the mn Twins on Monday night.
Napoli had his bat sawed off on an internal pitch from Brian Duensing. The Red Sox went on gain six more times in the inning off Duensing. Xander Bogaerts, Mookie Betts and Dustin Pedroia hit run credit credit rating doub